Variety of Greens

Variety of Greens
April 30-May 2

Lately, the forest is filled with new green leaves. The children realized the different between the colours of each leaves. They collected a bunch of leaves and shared their thoughts.

Look at this baby leave. It's small, soft and light green.
This one is even more yellowish green.
This leaf is dark green.
These leaves are all green, but all different!

They went back to our school with these leaves and excitement about a great idea which they got from the leaves.

The children mixed some paints to make similar green to each leaves, brushed the paint on the leaves and made leaf prints on paper.

How can I make dark dark green like this leaf is.
I'm going to mix little bit of blue and a lot of yellow to get light green.
I made exactly same green as this leaf because the paint is camouflaged on this leaf.
I'm putting paint on this leaf extra gently because I don't want to rip it.
I want to try another one which is different green and shape.

They enjoyed making variety of greens and stamping. You'll see their beautiful leaf prints on the wall between the cabbies and the main room.

After my goal of creating a place of inquiry for the children, the role I took was one of curious observer of the children within the context of the forest.  When we returned to the classroom, I tried to help them have an idea of their thinking which they showed through their sharing of ideas and then representation of their ideas.  Talk to me if you want to explore how we help the children learn that there are multiple perspectives that make our lives together richer.
