What is our role?

September 24-27,

Over the last couple of weeks, the Oak Group have explored various occupations which we see in our community such as mail carrier, firefighter, chef and dentist. They realized there are many people who share their skills that support the strength of our community.

This week, we turned our eyes to ourselves. I asked the questions "what role do we have within our school/community?"

We clean up toys!
If we left toys out, our room will be so messy! 
We throw garbage in the garbage-can.
To keep our school clean!
I see a lot of garbage in the playground and the forest.
I don't want to play in dirty playground.
I know where the garbage-can is in playground, so I always bump garbage in that.
I know where the garbage-can is in the forest too.
Garbage is supposed to be in the garbage-can.
Why don't we clean there?

The children know their responsibility and they found out how they make our community better.
So we decided to go clean up.

In the playground........

And in the forest......

We keep our community clean!!
