The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree

 What do you know about "generosity"?
 During the formative week, Mary asked the children. Children mentioned sharing, caring and helping as ways to be generous. Thinking about my Japanese culture, there is not exact word as generosity. So I wanted to explore the meaning further with children through the story as "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein.

 Once there was a tree that loves a boy. The boy would come to the tree and play together everyday. The tree was happy. Then the boy grew. At each stage, he wanted more from tree. The tree gave and gave him her parts of herself to make him happy.

 Children's first impressions of this story were.....
The tree is kind.---------Travis
The tree gave everything she had to the boy.----------Finn
The boy got a lot. If I was the boy I say "thank you".----------Roisin
The tree gave the boy a lot, because she wants to make the boy Happy.----------Augustine

 The discussion was expanded to about "kindness" and "generosity".

My sister is kind because he shares snack with me.----------Keira
My mom made cupcakes for me and my brother. And we shared.----------Adrienne
My mom helps me taking shower.----------Xian Bin
My grandma braids my hair every morning.----------Jia Ran
I share toys with my friends.----------Saige
If the toy was only one, I'll give him turn.----------Augustine
If my friend fell, I'll help him to stand up and ask if he need an ice-pack.----------Finn
If someone couldn't have room at story-time, I'll move over to make room for her.----------Keira

 They made their "the giving tree". During making the trees, children shared materials, older gave some tips using glue to younger and gave positive comments about their trees each other. Our children are generous!!

 It seems like the children have a good idea of what generosity means.  Our next step is to explore the feelings and emotions around generosity. 


  1. Thank you Mai for sharing this activity with me. Thank you also for helping the children to explore the idea of generosity. -----Joanne- Augustine's mum

  2. Thanks Mai for being a giving tree to all kids. Jiaran’s Mum

  3. Love it! thanks Mai. Love Liesel & Saige


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