What is generosity?

What is generosity?

At the beginning of a discussion about generosity, the children shared their ideas about generous behaviours. Then they realized:

I give my mom a lot of kisses.----------Saige
I love my friends but we don't kiss friends at school. I give them big hugs instead.----------Keira
I help teachers cleaning in school and I help my mom cooking at home.----------Adrienne

Then children started to give examples about how they can be generous in school and at home.

In school
Give friends and teachers hugs
Play with friends
Share toys with friends
Give some room for friends who couldn't find room to sit at story time
Help friends to stand up when they fell
Help teachers cleaning

At home
Give our family kisses and hugs
Play with siblings
Share snack with our siblings
Say "I love you"
Take care of pets
Help little siblings dressing and eating
Help parents cleaning, cooking and laundry

Everything we said make someone happy.----------Finn

With this Finn's comment, the children naturally started to define generosity. That sounded a beautiful poem.

Generosity is nice.
Generosity is kindness.
Generosity is love.
Generosity is not only visible things, sometimes generosity is invisible.
Generosity is making someone happy.
And being generous make me happy.
